It's starting already...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009 | 2 Comments

Makenzy was laying her head on my lap the other night, and my belly was touching the back of her head. Well, Karly was kicking pretty hard and kicked Kenzy in the head. Makenzy sat up, looked at me really funny, pulled my shirt up and said (while staring at my stomach):

"You kicked me Karly, that's not being a nice girl" and then smacked my stomach!

Sisterly love - it's starting before they ever even meet each other!


Unknown said...

LMAO. The sibling rivalry begins!

Rylie says, "pull down your pants, mommy," then she talks to her brother and kisses him. I'm sure the smacking will come later though!

Tiff said...

yeah - I probably should have told her it's not nice to hit....but I was laughing so hard I didn't think to turn that into a learning experience. :)