I'm Cool.......

Tuesday, October 27, 2009 | 2 Comments

I was putting Makenzy in the car this morning to take her to Preschool - this was our conversation:

Makenzy: Mommy, do you have purple heels on?
Me: I sure do, baby
Makenzy: (pats my arm and says) You are so cool!

I couldn't stop laughing! I'll have to keep these "cool" purple heels for when she's a teenager....maybe if I put them on then she'll still think I'm cool! :)


Unknown said...

Nice! The girl's got taste. (I'm so jealous that you are wearing heels. I had to stop because I've gotten so clumsy!)

SaRaH said...

you are SO cool. I fall over in flip flops when I'm pg. Who am I kidding? It's not the pregnancy that's the problem...