Interview with Makenzy...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010 | 1 Comments

I copied these interview questions from my friends Dawn:

1. What is something Mom always says to you? I'm your cutie and you love me

2. What makes Mom happy? When you're not clumsy

3. What makes Mom sad? When I don't listen

4. How does your Mom make you laugh? When we are being funny

5. What was your Mom like as a child? You were a baby

6. How old is your Mom? I don't know, maybe 7

7. How tall is your Mom? *hold her hands about 5 inches apart* This long

8. What is her favorite thing to do? Clean up the kitchen

9. What does your Mom do when you're not around? Be by yourself

10. If your Mom becomes famous, what will it be for? A rock star in a band

11. What is your Mom really good at? Spelling my name (obviously we practice writing her name a lot)

12.What is your mom not good at? I don't know

13. What does your Mom do for her job? e-mail things

14. What is your Mom's favorite food? hamburgers and oatmeal (I hate oatmeal)

15. What makes you proud of your Mom? When you not be mad at me

16. If your Mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? *points to the guy on Family Fued* That guy

17. What do you and your Mom do together? Play

18. How are you and your Mom the same? We have long hair

19. How are you and your Mom different? You have curly hair

20. How do you know your Mom loves you? I learned it in my brain (my favorite one so far)

21. Where is your Mom's favorite place to go? to the park and Hobby Lobby

I just loved all of her answers! Kids really do say the darnedest things!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hilarious! I tried this with Rylie and I got mostly "I don't know." I'll have to try again when she is a little older.