Pigs are flying......seriously!

Thursday, June 04, 2009 | 1 Comments

So, when I started blogging over a year ago, I told David that I had started a blog. He proceeded to tell me how it was the stupidest thing he had ever heard of. I wanted to lash out and say "you're stupid nah nah nah nah-nah", but I didn't. Instead I smiled and probably just said something like "Okay, dear" and then rolled my eyes when he didn't see me.

Last night we were eating dinner out on the sun porch, and we were both playing with our new found love "blackberry". He looks up at me and says - "you haven't updated your blog in a while".

WHAT! I wanted to pounce on him right then and there and kiss his cheeks off! My heart sank, it melted all over my bowl of watermelon! What was once a stupid thing I did as a hobby was now something that he was obviously curious or interested in.

I love it when he acts interested in the things that make me happy. Now maybe, just a big fat maybe he will take interest in my love for photography and buy me that camera I've been drooling over for the past year! :) I won't hold my breath - I think the chance of pigs flying are a once in a lifetime event.

I love you babe, with all my heart! :) :violin music playing softly in the background:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You tell David I am so proud of him. You have been blessed with a great husband and daughter. Of course, you were first blessed with a wonderful and devoted mother!
