Last night we were eating dinner out on the sun porch, and we were both playing with our new found love "blackberry". He looks up at me and says - "you haven't updated your blog in a while".
WHAT! I wanted to pounce on him right then and there and kiss his cheeks off! My heart sank, it melted all over my bowl of watermelon! What was once a stupid thing I did as a hobby was now something that he was obviously curious or interested in.
I love it when he acts interested in the things that make me happy. Now maybe, just a big fat maybe he will take interest in my love for photography and buy me that camera I've been drooling over for the past year! :) I won't hold my breath - I think the chance of pigs flying are a once in a lifetime event.
I love you babe, with all my heart! :) :violin music playing softly in the background: