Makenzy, David and I were playing with her doctor kit. She doesn't turn into a "real" doctor until she puts her "doctor glasses" on.

I thought it would be a great photo op - so I got out my trusty camera.....this is what happened when I told her she was not allowed to touch the camera:

And then it proceeded to get worse when I told her no for a second time....

All of these were taken within a minute!

One thing is for sure - my little princess has the saddest cry face I've ever seen, and it breaks my heart every time I see it!


Jacque said...

Poor Dr. Makenzy! ;)

Dawn said...

haha! Love it!

Cindy said...

Aww that poor sad little face.
We have that doctor kit too. It's great fun!

Anonymous said...

Don't make her cry like that ever again. Nona can't take her sweet little sad face.

SaRaH said...

LOL! Doctor's need cameras, Mama!