She's growing up!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008 | 6 Comments

Makenzy was the flower girl in a wedding last weekend. I was so worried that she would freeze at the back of the chapel and start crying for me (which is not unusual when she is scared). But, she was a champ! She smiled and walked slowly down the isle to me at the front of the church. My little girl is growing up - I don't think I'm ready for it!

We are making home made pepperoni pizza tonight - I thought Makenzy would like helping me make dinner for a change. I definitely need to do laundry tonight too. I wore my last pair of pants to work today - and would rather not come to work naked tomorrow!

30 more minutes of work left - I miss my baby girl like crazy today!


Shannon said...

OMG, she is a DOLL! So cute and what a brave little girl!

Jacque said...

Oh my goodness, she looks SO beautiful! I love the dress too!

Cindy said...

She looks so beautiful in her little dress.

Dawn said...

Awww, she is so beautiflul and mature!! ;)

SaRaH said...


Unknown said...

ADORABLE!!! She even posed for pics, which is more than my flower girl would do. Dammit.