I feel like lately my days just fall apart! I woke up this morning and felt like I was run over by a truck from mowing Dad's grass last night (but, I will gladly do it again next week). I mowed our back yard the day before and was fine....so I know that I'm just not out of shape!

Got out of the shower to the sound of a loud noise coming from the a/c unit....then the sound of water pouring onto the floor. Sure enough...it's pumping water inside instead of outside. Called the a/c company at 8:30am and still no call from them to come fix it. They are supposed to call 30 minutes ahead of time so I can leave work and get home before they come.

I have a dentist appointment at 5pm today (have to get 2 potential cavities filled), and am hoping that my a/c is fixed before then. If not...Dad will have to come to the rescue! Dear Lord, I love to spend money.....but would rather it be on shopping!

Still crazy at work.....definitely not seeing a light at the end of a tunnel.

Praying for a better day tomorrow!

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