If I make it through the day without choking someone, then it will be a good day! Is it Friday yet?
So, the a/c guy finally came at 3:30 yesterday. He was a bit of a creeper and kept telling me (and Makenzy) how pretty she was. Seriously dude, fix the unit and get out of my house! Luckily, a hose was just loose so he was only there for 15 minutes. $70.00 later......it's fixed and creeper is gone.
Went to the Dentist at 5pm, got my cavities filled. He didn't have to numb me, I was happy about that. 20 minutes and $215.00 later - I have perfect teeth again!
David and I decided that we are in the wrong professions!
After all that excitement - we went and ate at Texas Roadhouse and then went to the grocery store. We were out of everything....it's nice to have food in the fridge again!
Have I mentioned that we don't have a/c in our building at work. Most of the offices have window air conditioners, but it is about 200 degrees in here today and I'm starting to feel like a sweaty Betty......hmmm....maybe that will get me out of here early today! Seriously, how much is tuition here...$36,000 per year per student......put some air in the office buildings instead of building a 12 million dollar parking garage that NOBODY parks in!
I feel like lately my days just fall apart! I woke up this morning and felt like I was run over by a truck from mowing Dad's grass last night (but, I will gladly do it again next week). I mowed our back yard the day before and was fine....so I know that I'm just not out of shape!
Got out of the shower to the sound of a loud noise coming from the a/c unit....then the sound of water pouring onto the floor. Sure enough...it's pumping water inside instead of outside. Called the a/c company at 8:30am and still no call from them to come fix it. They are supposed to call 30 minutes ahead of time so I can leave work and get home before they come.
I have a dentist appointment at 5pm today (have to get 2 potential cavities filled), and am hoping that my a/c is fixed before then. If not...Dad will have to come to the rescue! Dear Lord, I love to spend money.....but would rather it be on shopping!
Still crazy at work.....definitely not seeing a light at the end of a tunnel.
Praying for a better day tomorrow!

We ran non-stop this weekend:
Friday: I worked all day. David had to work until 8pm (I hate his job), so I picked Makenzy up from the Grubb's. We went to Target to get a present (but couldn't leave without buying Makenzy some clothes), went out to Grandma's for a little bit, went home, played until bath time, David got home, put Kenz to bed, then crashed myself.
Saturday: Got up early, cleaned the house, fed Makenzy breakfast, played, put her down for a nap, went to a Bridal Shower, came back home, cleaned some more, went to Grandma's for a cookout (she really out did herself), stayed a few hours, left and went to an Engagement party (had a blast), Makenzy flirted with a 20 month old - he flirted back, went home when the storm came, got Kenzy to bed, David and I watch Fool's Gold - it was cute. couldn't wait to lay my head on the pillow!
Sunday: Got up early again, played with Makenzy for a while, tried to put her down for a nap - was not successful, went to King's Island amusement park at 2pm, rode a few rides (Makenzy wasn't really excited like I thought she would be), went to the water park - we had a great time, left when the park was about to close at 7pm, drove home - Makenzy was so tired she didn't even get a bath last night, picked up the house (not literally), went to bed!
Hopefully next weekend will be a little more low key!
So, June and July have been absolutely crazy (the following is what's been going on)! I have been so busy at work, most days I even forget to get up and go pee (TMI?)! Thankfully, I am getting caught up and slowing down a bit.
So, we are getting closer to being able to put our home on the market. We are thinking with in the next 2 weeks we will put that sign out in our front yard. There are 4 different houses we are interested in....praying that one of them will work out for us, and also praying that ours sells fast.
My Dad has been having some medical issues (hey Dad...yep...you made the blog). It scares the crap out of me every time I get a call that says "I need your help....your Dad....." Makenzy has been so sweet while he has been sick. She calls him "sicky boy pawpaw" and insists that we pray for him every night (I would anyways...but she never lets me forget). Dad, I love you and don't know what I would do without you!
We are trying to plan a big vacation (me, David and Makenzy) for next year. I think we have decided on the Beaches Resort in Jamaica! I am just waiting for my travel agent to call me back with firm pricing.
Okay.....so in a nutshell, that's the dealio! It's 4:24, so I'm heading out of here to go pick up my princess! I'll write again tomorrow!