Saturday: David had to work all day (he worked at total of 56 hours last week....he needs to get a new job). Me and Makenzy had a great morning and afternoon of cleaning, grocery shopping, playing and dancing! That night we had another mother/daughter banquet to attend at my Grandma's church. While not a "blast", it was much better than the mother/daughter banquet the previous weekend (Mom owes me for the rest of my life for sitting through 3 hours of that "royal tea party" torture). I got home at about 8:00pm and David was ready to give me my mother's day/birthday/anniversary present. It was a gorgeous ring with Makenzy's birthstone (blue sapphire) in it (pictured above). I am so blessed to have such an amazing husband. I admire him so much for everything he does to provide for me and Makenzy. Some days I'm not sure how he does it all working 50 hours a week, going to school, and still finding time for me and Kenz.
I had a great Mother's Day and birthday! We went to church in the morning (I went to the nursery with Makenzy), after church we went to David's parents house, then came home to let Makenzy nap for a bit, then headed to my parents house for some more good food and fellowship. David had 2 papers due at midnight, so we came back home at about 6pm. We were all exhausted from a long day, so Makenzy was in bed by 9pm and I headed to bed at about 9:45. Yes, I went to bed at 9:45pm........I guess I really am getting old!
I hope everyone had a great weekend!
2 more weeks until our vacation...........I am SO ready!
We did have a good time yesterday. Looking forward to taking you to dinner on Thursday and buying your birthday present. You are such a great Mom and I am so proud of you!!! See you and Makenzy tonight for supper. I talked with Dan Haughey today and so far so good. He is going to e-mail me as soon as his listing is up in mid-July. I told him his house was your first choice and he was glad to hear that.
Royal tea party torture... UGH!!! You are a saint for sitting through 3 hours of that!
I love that ring. It's gorgeous!
That's a beautiful ring!!!!
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