
Wednesday, December 17, 2008 | 1 Comments

Dante is a little boy that is Makenzy's age who has been battling cancer for the majority of his life. Well, his Mom just posted an update online and said that basically there is nothing else the doctor's can do for him. Jo (his Mom) said the only thing she wanted them to do was try to keep him alive (and comfortable) until after Christmas so that they can spend one last holiday with him.

I can't even begin to imagine what his parents are going through. Just the thought of Makenzy in that situation makes my heart want to stop beating. If you could spare some prayers for sweet Dante and his parents - I know they would appreciate it.

I just don't understand why this happens to innocent children! I pray that the Lord can give them peace and strength during this difficult time.


Monday, December 15, 2008 | 3 Comments

So, not much is new in the Grubb house! David was not on call this weekend so we did most of our Christmas shopping. It felt good to get it all done and wrapped and under the tree. I only have a few more gifts to pick up.

Potty training with Bentley (aka: Paloma Cat Snowlake) is going good. He is starting to go to the door now when he needs to do his business (or "eliminate himself" which is the terminology all of the websites use). Which reminds me - I need to call the carpet cleaners today to schedule an appointment!

Makenzy is not ready to shed her diapers just yet. She pees on the "big girl" potty a couple times a day, but isn't showing real interest yet. Her pedi said to start pushing it more at 2 1/2 if she doesn't pick it up by then.

Funny coversation last night:
Me: Makenzy come sit with Mommy, it's time to go night night's
Makenzy: No, I need some water
(I got her some water)
Me: Okay, you drank some water - now lay your head down.
Makenzy: No, I'm hungry I need some lunch
Me: You just ate a cinnamon roll with Daddy
Makenzy: Well, I think I need a popcicle.
Me: Makenzy lay your head down - it's time for night night's (more sternly than before)
Makenzy: Okaaaaaaaaay, I love you Mommy

She was literally asleep within two minutes from laying her head on me.

You know that saying that all Mom's say at some point in their child's life "When you have a kid I hope they act just like you do!" Okay, Mom - I get it - I know what you mean now! :)

One more hour until I get to go pick up my little princess (that's what she calls her self when she has a dress on).

I hope all of you have a great evening!